
Friday, March 29, 2013

Weekend Reflection

While down in Skagit Valley yesterday - looking for the daffodil fields, we came upon a fairly large flock of Trumpeter Swans. They over-winter here and we see them often, but not always in large flocks. The farm fields in this area are sometimes temporarily flooded from rains, and small ponds appear.  These ponds are very soon absorbed into the ground, but while they are around, you can finds ducks, geese and swans enjoying the water.  The reflections of the swans in their pond/puddle were wonderful.


They often get their necks in interesting positions

It was grooming time

In a hurry

I tried to get pictures of them  flapping their wings - always a little too late

Folding wings back up

The brown stain on the feathers of some of the swans is from microbes in the soil

And two swans in the grass - just because it is a pretty picture


  1. They are so pretty!! I wonder if the staining is permanent.


  2. Interesting how that distinct shape becomes a boxy blur on the rippled waters. Looks like it was a successful outing (well, except for that wing flapping thing)

  3. Beautiful trumpeter swans and lovely reflection photos ~ ^_^

  4. Those swanns are so gracious... Pretty pics !

  5. Loving these! How could anyone not? They're just wonderful.

  6. Aren't they so beautiful? And so interesting to watch, too! They do a bobbing thing with their necks that makes them look a little like they're dancing together without moving their feet. You caught some great shots. I especially like "in a hurry." It looks almost as if they're skating together.

  7. So pretty! The grass looked like a great spot to take a nap.

  8. So lovely and graceful. What a thrill to see! I love their black beaks and feet. xoxo

  9. How lovely to see them in different poses. Beautiful photos. Have a wonderful Easter. Chel x

  10. You took some great photos. Your display is amazing.

  11. You got some terrific photos of the swans! I love the skating one.

  12. Wow! Love this great variety of swan poses! These trumpeter swans' faces are certainly more chunky than the swans' faces I know! Love how they can curve their neck!

  13. The swans are beautiful! Great shots, have a happy weekend!


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