
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Water World Wednesday

Western Washington is made of mountains, hillsides and valleys
and waterfalls

Simply driving along almost any road you will find waterfalls cascading down the rocky cliffs

Cascading down the gray  rocks in sheets

Our own Whatcom Falls - a city park in Bellingham

Long thin waterfalls splashing at our feet

This one surprised me - I saw it coming as we drove along a busy highway - this is taken quickly through the car windshield as Don tried to slow a bit in the traffic.  The entire wall of rocks was one giant waterfall.

Sparkling among the autumn leaves

And ending with Whatcom Falls again

Doesn't a nice glass of water sound good right about now?


  1. Aren't we lucky to have so much of the stuff when so many parts of the world have none? And not just water but beautiful waterfalls - gladdens the heart in this bitter weather.

  2. I agree with Ann above, I need to pop out a minute! The waterfall at the side of the road is amazing. You are very lucky to have such beauty. Chel x

  3. Gorgeous photos of waterfalls, JoAnn! I love the collage effect. Don't you love the sound of waterfalls? There is nothing quite like it. The one on the side of the road is amazing! Thanks for sharing. xx

  4. Wow! Gorgeous photography ~ exquisite ~ love all the water creations ~ ^_^

  5. Love waterfalls and you have shown a great variety! : )

  6. Very pretty... Made me thirsty too.

  7. Lovely waterfalls, especially love the ones in the park in Bellingham.

  8. What we need here in the Philippines. Summer is here and is very hot!! Love these shots!

    Thanks in joining Water World Wednesday Kim,USA

  9. Waterfalls area always magical to me. Your photos are gorgeous!

  10. Looks like waterfalls are a bit of theme at Walk and Click Wednesday this week. You images are wonderful, JoAnne. Thanks for joining the fun.


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