Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Monday, March 18, 2013

Flowers in the House

It is a gloriously gorgeous sunshiney day - makes everything happier.  Flowers and sunshine, can't ask for much more.

Tulips are grown commercially in our area. They grow them for the bulbs, so as soon as the flowers start to show, the flowers are cut off and we are the lucky ones, we get buy buy huge bouquets of them this time of year.

Roses are not grown here commercially, but such a pretty bouquets even smells of spring time.

One of my favorites - Carnations - the scent is heavenly.
And Daffodils - grown commercially here on thousands or acres, like the tulips - give us bouquets all spring.

And who can resist those loved bouquets of Gladiolas at the grocery store - not me.  They make me glad!


flwrjane said...

Flowers in the house and then some.

Where do you live?

I think we are all about to become very jealous:-)

Beautiful shots of the opening tulips.

And I'm happy yo find another carnation lover!

thanks for bringing so many blooms to the party.

xo jane

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Finally ordered your book :) ACTUALLY I ordered two : I am going to use one in a blog anniversary giveaway at the end of may and at first I thought I'll read one and pass it on. But I love memoirs and most likely will NOT want to pass it on, lol...selfish as I am. :)

So hopefully it is okay with you that one of the items I will use to celebrate at the end of May is one of your books ...I have a few other bloggers stuff that I have ordered or will order for this and wanted a nice variety. Your book should be a nice gift for someone as long as you are ok with that

Vintage Tea Time said...

Oooh, lots of lovely flowers! Those gladioli are so pretty - lovely photos! x

rosekraft said...

Such overflowing bouquets -
Love the spicy fragrance of carnations, too.

Susan ~ Southern Fascinations said...

So many pretty flowers! The photo of the open tulips... sensational! Don't you think tulips are such interesting flowers to photograph at this stage? Thanks for all the smiles...

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

You can't have too many flowers, I say! Those tulips are so pretty! Love yellow tulips. And who can resist gladiola's! My grandmother always grew big bunches of them. Thanks for sharing these cheerful flowers with us! xx

Sharon Parker said...

I love the red striations in the yellow tulips. Stunning! Add me to the carnation fan club, too; such a wonderful spicy fragrance!

Bare Mtn Farm said...

Just love all the yellow flowers, they just say it must be spring time. Very lovely!

Alicia said...

I love the gladioli colours. Pretty and perfect!