
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Weekly Top Shot - Eagle Flying

I've been trying to get photos of birds flying - not an easy thing to do - but I keep trying.  This Bald Eagle came flying right towards us over a field - I kept clicking as long as he was heading for me.  It was exciting to think of the pictures I would have when I finally got them off the camera.

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  1. really beautiful images!!!

  2. Super photographs JoAnn. Every time we come to the US we watch out for these birds - they are so majestic.

  3. That is a great capture! I like it A LOT!

  4. WoW! Sooo cool! We haven't seen Eagles around here in years... except, my parents saw a couple by their pond at the farm a few years ago, but they didn't stick around long.
    Such a cool shot of the wings spread wide =)

  5. Beautiful photo! I went out looking for eagles today. I didn't see any but I did photograph some pheasants and deer.

  6. Great shots, yes flying bird are difficult... I've often tried panning with them and have on the odd occasion gotten a fairly decent shot... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #71!


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