
Friday, January 18, 2013

After the Clydesdales

It was such a lovely day, taking photos of the horses and taking a long leisurely ride, that we decided to extend our day and go out to lunch.  We headed into Lynden, the Clydesdales are just on the outskirts of Lynden and decided to try a restaurant that we had heard of.  Renata's German Restaurant.  Don grew up on Wisconsin and knows good German food - so this was a good place to try some.

Their soup of the day was White Bean Soup - I asked if I might have a small taste of it.  Look at the pretty little plate of soup they brought - and it was delicious .  .  . 

So I ordered a big bowl of White Bean Soup - so good on a cold day!

This is my German Roll that came with the soup - more like a small loaf of bread, and utterly delicious.

Don had  Bratwurst, German Potato Salad (served hot, as it should be) and sauerkraut - he pronounced it all - F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C

They offered us dessert - Apple Strudel or Apple Cream Pie with Caramel Sauce, but we were too full from our lunches and had to decline. They should off dessert before dinner, don't you agree?

This was my first restaurant trip since my back surgery - and it was a huge success.

Do you love German cooking too?


  1. Wow - looks delicious! Wouldn't Grizz have enjoyed that! He makes German potato salad regularly. Good to hear you're getting OUT and about!

  2. YES Dessert first I always say! Sounds like a fun day. I am guessing you didn't have to contend with any wind from the Fraiser River valley. I used to freeze when that wind blew down.

  3. Oh, that food looks so good on this cold winter day! The soup looks especially warming and that loaf of bread....Yum! I have not really had authentic German food, but it does look delicious. You will have to order dessert to go next time! Glad you are getting out and about! xx

  4. Your meal looked more to my liking than Don's I have to say! But the dessert sounded more than tempting. Well, next time right? So glad you got out for an official restaurant outing!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!