
Monday, November 5, 2012

Seagulls on a Stormy Day

A good fall storm brings out some interesting chances for photographing seagulls.  We parked along the seawalls in Birch Bay,WA and got lots of great photos - and lots of ocean spray from the breaking waves.  We had to have the car washed the next day because of all the salt spray.

This gull would jump up in the air every time a wave crashed against the rocks.  .  .

 I love the beauty in the seagulls feathers .  .  .


  1. We were down by the shore yesterday too, but have no need to wash the salt spray from the car - the downpour took care of that!
    I could watch gull and cormorants forever.

  2. Wow you really captured those gulls, Jo!

  3. You are as awesome with a camera as you are with a needle and thread.




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