
Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Moon

A  rare sighting of the moon from our yard - rare because of the trees that surround us 
 - and rare because of the clouds and rain during the fall and winter.  We arrived home late one evening and the moon was peeking out from the clouds.  I was able to get the tripod set up and get a few good shots before the clouds won.

Good night moon!

Linking to

 The View From Right Here 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Simple Things Sunday Photo #107

Simple Things - Just a horse in a barn . .  .

Checking out the world around . . .

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Weekly Top Shot - #56 - Cormorants

There were a lot of cormorants on a float in a small lake that we passed today - and what luck that I got them to pose for me, with their friends in the background.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ducks at Birch Bay

Migration time is always a great time to find birds in the slough in Birch Bay State Park .  .  .

American Widgeon

Eurasion Widgeon


A lovely duck day.  What is your favorite duck?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Seagulls on a Stormy Day

A good fall storm brings out some interesting chances for photographing seagulls.  We parked along the seawalls in Birch Bay,WA and got lots of great photos - and lots of ocean spray from the breaking waves.  We had to have the car washed the next day because of all the salt spray.

This gull would jump up in the air every time a wave crashed against the rocks.  .  .

 I love the beauty in the seagulls feathers .  .  .

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Weekly Top Shot # 55 Space Needle

Don had a work seminar in Seattle recently.  We stayed at the Crowne Plaza (where the seminar was held), on the 15th floor.  Our view was not of the Space Needle, but the bellman, when he heard that I was a photographer working on a photo book about Washington,  offered to take me up the the private club on the top floor (37th) of the Crowne Plaza, for a view of the Space Needle.

This is what the Space Needle looked like with just your eyes - so far away and small!

This is my favorite shot of the space needle - my camera has 140x Zoom on it.  The top has been painted this golden color to honor the 50th anniversary of the Space Needle, and all summer you could ride the elevator to the top for $1.00 - the price in 1962.  The regular cost is $19.00 to ride to the top.

The Bellman said that if it had been clear we would have had a spectacular view of Mt. Ranier.  It was a stormy weekend, with rain most of the time - but I was happy to get the pictures of the Space Needle.

I am joining with Madge - at The View From Right Here - stop over and see more fabulous shots.

Flicker at the feeder

This is my view from my studio window - I heard the Flicker before I saw him .  .  .

A Flicker in your yard is considered a good omen - we must be very lucky!!

Sunset on Bellingham Bay

A golden sunset on a Friday night on Bellingham Bay.  What a way to spend a Friday night!

Friday, November 2, 2012


We were at a park near the airport. The park overlooks the bay and the planes come in over the water - VERY low, preparing to land. I didn't get the best shot of the day - an airliner that was no more than three feet higher than an apple tree in the park. We could see people's facing, smiling faces, as the plane roared overhead. My camera was too slow - or the plane was too fast - and I missed the shot. I've never seen a plane that low before.

Lots of smaller planes zoomed overhead - singley and in groups - sometimes so low that the roar of their engines made us feel that we were about to be hit by the plane. Some were so loud I cringed as they flew overhead.

Approaching the airport - the planes are lost in the trees.  .  .

Well, almost got that nice yellow plane .  .  .

Three in a row - these planes circled over us about 10 times .  .  .

Coming in for a landing .  .  . 

WHAT?  What is this plane doing landing at the Bellingham airport???