
Monday, October 15, 2012

Early Morning In The Cemetry

An early morning drive through the large local cemetery was delightful.  I noticed on the way into town that there was a low fog along the ground in the cemetery. It was a quick trip to town and I hoped that it would still be there when I returned.  Driving through the cemetery, with the sun coming up, leaves still dripping from the rains last night and squirrels everywhere was fabulous.  I didn't see any souls roaming about, this time, but the views were still spectacular.

There was a little of the fog left .  .  .  

One of the many squirrels I saw - they were busy gathering the acorns for winter .  .  .  

I looked up - and saw the most amazing clouds - like someone had swiped across them with a dishrag.

Near our house the sun was shining through the leaves of the Big Leaf Maples

Stunning in the early sunlight . . .

And this is the view right across the street from our house - out the studio window

These are Big Leaf Maples - some of the leaves are as big across as a dinner plate.  .  .

A wonderful early morning - how was your morning?


  1. That is best kind of morning. Love low fog on an autumn morning.

  2. I love the early mornings this time of year. Those sky/cloud shots are beautiful..mesmerizing. Happy Autumn to you!

  3. Great atmosphere Joann. The trees must be wonderful to see in their autumn colours. Sorry to hear about your hip. Hope you are well on the road to recovery. It must have been so painful.

  4. A little fog at a cemetery seems to always elevate the atmosphere. And that sky you captured is so interesting too.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!