
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mosaic Monday - barns

Monday - time for Mosaic Monday - sponsored by Mary at the Little Red House. Click and visit more fun and beautiful mosaics.
I thought I'd try something different today - first barns in B&W - and then the same ones in color. It is interesting to see what you notice in B&W that you might not notice in color.

We love to drive around and find old barns to photograph. Don knows when I'm going to say "right here please" - and he is good at avoiding things that might spoil the picture, like telephone poles and trash cans. (Not avoid like not running into - but avoid, like not letting them get in the picture - though I do appreciate him not running into them too)

The barn in the lower left is one on the farm we rented when we first moved to WA - and those ducks on the fence are flat decoys. Click the photos to enlarge.

Glad you stopped by.


  1. First time visit to your blog through Mosaic Monday! Nice to meet you!

    I love all the wonderful old barns in your mosaic. The B&W are fabulous and so are the full color --hard for me to decide which I like more.

  2. Old weathered barns always remind me of my dad - he was an artist and looked for barns to photograph so he'd have them on file when he was doing a painting. You found some really nice ones! ::Jill

  3. What beautiful mosaics, I love them both and I think your header is beautiful, those colours are wonderful.

  4. I like your mosaics too!

  5. I love your barn pics. Both the B&W and color. I love barns.

  6. oh how wonderful! they are a dying breed in my neck of the woods, sadly... thanks for sharing at MM> :)


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!