Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mosaic Monday - I wish it was spring

Monday - time for Mosaic Monday - sponsored by Mary at the Little Red House. Click and visit more fun and beautiful mosaics.


I am so ready for spring flowers, so thought I'd show you a few from past springs - and a Canada goose and her baby. They are so cute and snuggly looking, but don't try to get near them, mama goose is very protective.


Carol said...

Beautiful spring mosaic! I'm ready, too...enough hibernating!

Mary said...

Oh thank you, JoAnn, I really needed to see this today! ;)

eileeninmd said...

It is a beautiful spring mosaic, right down to the goosling. I am eagerly waiting for spring.

Ebie said...

Colorful flowers bring sunshine to my day. We have some early blooms here. I really look forward to spring!

Sandi (Meme) said...

Yes, that's just what I needed - a fresh breath of air and hint of Spring! Great Mosaic, and I hope you have a great week!

The Charm of Home said...

Oh, very lovely. Spring is right around the corner. Thanks for the sneak peak.:)

Valerie said...

Love the tulips! Boy are you right about those canada geese. They can be then meanest critters - when they come running at you with those wings batting! Very scary!

Anonymous said...

I guess this the time of year we start dreaming of flowers!

Jeri ~ said...

Beautiful mosaic - it seems everyone has Spring fever, yours is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy these images make me wish for springtime too! ~Jeanne

Kathy said...

I'm ready, I guess we all want an end to this rain :-). beautiful fresh mosaic and I love the Canada Goose and babies. Happy MM, Kathy.

pam said...

Your header mosaic is stunning...I LOVE snow but this year's cold is stirring a longing within me for the warmth and beauty of your mosaic.

Treasia Stepp said...

What a pretty spring mosaic. I'm ready for sunshine and flowers myself.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I needed this mosiac. Rain and gloom here! You choose just perfect photos to go together. That gosling sp? is so cute.

Kathy b

Christine said...

I just love the goose, beautiful mosaic! Makes me yearn for spring:) Happy MM!

Shirley said...

Very pretty. Yes, Spring can never come soon enough!

Ingalill said...

Beautiful mosaic and the geese are so cute with the swinging forward.

GardenOfDaisies said...

AW, Momma and baby goose are so cute!

Deb said...

great spring the daffodils...

Carol said...

Beautiful spring mosaic! Great shots :)

bBchronicles said...

SPRING, SPRING, SPRING . . . loving it and I'm HOPEFUL it will come!!!!!

Americana Lady said...

I like the combination of flowers/bird! I too am longing for Spring. Come by and visit, I am having a giveaway. Joan@Americana By Candlelight