
Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Drive Through the Country in the Autumn

Autumn is in full swing - soon the rains will knock all the leaves off the trees and it will be cold and rainy - but for now - we can take rides and see wondrous things. The autumn colors here in NW WA rival those of more famous areas - yet just a few miles south of here it is not so colorful in the Autumn.

Big Leaf Maples in town - and when they say Big Leaf - they mean it - sometimes the leaves are bigger than a dinner plate - much bigger. It doesn't take many leaves to cover your yard.

Hillsides full of color . . .

Hillsides are aglow!

The horse had come to see if we had anything to eat - when we didn't, he turned and left.

Down by the river. . .

Some mushrooms growing on the side of a tree . . .

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!