
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Three or More Tuesday

For more fun seeing three or more - check out Gypsy's blog.

A while back I bought some Holly dishes on ebay - but that isn't what I have three or more of today - though I do have way more than three pieces of holly dishes. The dishes came quickly - and in perfect shape - and an extra plate was included free. Then in two days I got a phone call from the seller. I was surprised to hear from him - I had not included my phone number in our dealings, but I'm in the phone book, so easy to find.

He had mistakenly sent another package to me, and it was meant for another buyer who wanted the plates they had bought, for Thanksgiving. It was nearing Thanksgiving and I said, indeed, I would return the package to him, unopened. He was very happy - I guess fearing that I would open the package, like the dishes and just keep them. That would have never entered my head, but non-the-less, he was happy.

So we watched for the package - and it didn't come - and it didn't come - and it still didn't come - and now we are two weeks from Thanskgiving. Finally, after work one day, there was the second package. Since no one was home they had left it on the porch. I would have just refused it if I had been home and it would have gone back to the sender. So the next day Don took the package to the P.O. and refused it and they sent it back.

I contacted the seller and he was beside himself with happiness, and said I could pick any one thing from his ebay store - which was full of lovely dishes. So I picked this little hand painted dessert plate. There were four of them in his ebay store and I couldn't make up my mind, but finally settled on this one.

And then the box arrived . . .

And also included this matching dessert plate . . .

And this dessert plate . . .

And THIS dessert plate . . .

I couldn't believe it when I saw all four of them in the box - what a generous gesture on the seller's part - I certainly didn't expect anything for simply sending the box back.

He told me that he had to send the mis-routed box by priority so the buyers could use them for Thanksgiving and he was so grateful that I had sent back the box that he wanted me to have all the dessert plates.

They are the prettiest plates I have - and we use them for very special ocassions - like a piece of cake and a cup of tea, or some nice warm cookies from the oven, or a scone fresh and hot. They are wonderful plates and have wonderful memories because of a generous ebay seller.


  1. Hooray for good people like you! I love "reading" about posts like this because it makes us want to be better people. Thank you!

    Those are indeed lovely!

  2. Oh those are pretty. It's nice that your kindness was rewarded so generously! :0)

  3. They are beautiful plates! Your honesty & kindness was well-rewarded. Happy 3 or More!

  4. What a sweet story behind your beautiful plates!!! Everytime you use them you will be reminded of your kindness!!!

  5. I loved the story of your special dessert plates! They're so beautiful too. What's the seller's eBay ID? I'll check them out! ☺ Diane

  6. Oh my! What gorgeous plates, and what a charming and heart-warming story. A generous man, indeed. but you were also good to cooperate with him; imagine how he felt, realizing he'd mis-sent that package!

    I think you should share this Ebay seller's ID so we can all check him out! he deserves more business.

    I've had wonderful experiences with Ebay sellers, too. Only one bad apple in all these years.

    Best wishes... Cass

  7. What a great story and post!!! Your plates are sooooo beautiful! I'm a firm believer in karma and good actions will be rewarded.
    Thank you for participating in 'Three Or More' and I apologize for my late visit this week.
    Have a great evening,


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