
Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Turning of the Seasons

Hello all,

This is JoAnn's elder daughter, writing with some sad news. Your dear friend took ill in late September, and passed away just before Thanksgiving. We are celebrating her long life of creativity and kindness, and keeping our father company on this new phase of his journey. Thank you all so much for reading and responding over the years; your friendship meant so much to her, and she always felt the connections near and far. Please share anything you like here, and think of her when you see an interesting bird or barn!

Remember that while we here on this side are waving goodbye and sighing, "There she goes..." think of all the people who are excitedly standing on the other shore, shouting, "Here she comes!"

-The Bayne Family

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Hawks, Eagles and Canada Geese

Red Tail Hawk - our most common hawk

Sitting in a tree - looking for lunch
Or high atop a utility pole
Always a delight to spot one
 And not far away - a Bald Eagle - another pole sitter

 And Canada Geese - won't be long until they flock up to fly south for the winter
 They practice their formations in the water - teaching the young ones - getting them ready for the trip south.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Late Summer Flowers

Some summer favorites
 A single Hollyhock is such a treat in the summer!!!
 And a field of Sunflowers in a city lot

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Apples Are Ripening

As we take drives we are seeing more and more apples that are about ripe - the Gravensteins are already being harvested - can others be far behind?

 Trees are loaded with apples this year.

 This little tree is doing its best
 The apples look good!
 Soon there will be apples for sale at roadside stands and in picking orchards
 Time to gather apples
 And make some pies
And some apple butter

Our daughter has a big Gravenstein apple tree and she has already picked and processed hundreds of apples.  We are the lucky recipients of two apple crisps and a pint of delicious apple butter. 

What is your favorite apple recipe?

Monday, August 24, 2020

Water Lilies

A nearby pond has the prettiest patch of Water Lilies - we like to stop by the pond on the way home - sometimes we see ducks - sometimes we see herons - and sometimes we see Water Lilies.

 I hope some day to see a bird walking on the Lily Pads.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


Beautiful horses in fields

I've never seen such a speckled horse before - and there were two of them in the same field.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Rose Hedge

What is prettier in the summer than a hedge just bursting with roses?

And the scent was fabulous!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Two Herons and A Kingfisher

We have many Great Blue Heron rookeries in this area.  It is always a thrill to see them.  This one was far out on the sandbar in Birch Bay State Park.

A Belted Kingfisher on a very windy day - Willy's Lake 

 And a Green Heron - looking for lunch at the boat launch in Blaine.

Sunday, August 16, 2020


A lovely old barn

And cattle in a field of buttercups.
This is summer for sure in Western Washington!