
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Some Things We've Seen

Taking a nice ride is one of the things we can still enjoy during these trying times - we do have masks and gloves at the ready, in case there is an emergency - but so far it has just been fun - and beautiful.  Just wanted to show you some of the pretties that we've seen on our rides.
 These pretty hollyhocks were growing in a little patch alongside the road - near farm fields - must have been planted by some friendly birds - no other garden or flowers in sight.  I love the pale color!

 Daisies and lavender - perfect early summer flowers.
 And one day, while sitting on our deck - these interesting clouds came scudding across - the trees are in the woods across the street from our house and most are well over 40 feet tall.
 Taken from my comfy chair in the living room - a Flicker sits on the support for the feeder - they love the suet cakes.
 An old barn in a freshly cut hay field.
 Orange Lilies - such bright colors.
 And some bunnies in the grass - nibbling and playing games.

California Poppies - one of my all time favorites!!!!!  Do you have a favorite flower or two?

Monday, July 27, 2020

Where Have I Been?

Where have I been - what have I been doing?

I've been around - I've been doing stuff.
 I've planted a few vegetables this year - along with the flowers I always grow on our deck.  The first harvest of lettuce was enough for a dinner of tacos.
The fresh taste of newly picked lettuce just can't be beat.

I also planted cherry tomatoes - Yellow Pear Tomatoes, two kinds of cucumbers and chives.  No - the cherry tomatoes on those tacos are not from my plants - the are still growing and it will be a while before we get a harvest.

We did have some chives the other day in our salads - wonderful.

I've been around - I've been doing stuff - what have you been up to?