
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Remembering 2018 - Part 1

It is a little late in the year - but here are some memories of 2018 - the first of four editions.

 Snow Geese fill the overwintering fields on Fir Island

 The full moon shines bright over our house.

 Snow Geese flocks - stretch far across the fields
 Hawks, Bald Eagles and Robins all look for winter food.

 Great Blue Herons are year round residents  - often sitting in trees, watching for lunch or dinner.
 Pintail Ducks come by the thousands - huge rafts fill the bays and seasonal ponds in the fields.
 And the majestic Trumpeter Swans enjoy the water

 February is usually our snowiest month, and last year it sparkled with snow fairies.

 The Juncos were busy at the neighbor's feeder, which hangs right outside our dining room window in an Oso Berry bush, which had already sprouted leaves when the snow storms hit.
 Snow Geese flying up - and they never run into each other, or land on top of each other.  Click photo for a better view.
 Dunlin shorebirds love the seasonal ponds in the corn fields.  Here they are watched over by a seagull.

 The flowers begin to come out in February
While seagulls dip and dive in the wind. 
 Huge flocks of Trumpeter Swans fill the fields and ponds.

 And Mt. Baker shows some of her majesty.

 It was a very good month.

The dolls are ready for the start of Spring Training and spring time parties. 
 And by March the daffodil fields are full of flowers - most years.
 Our favorite lawn in town, completely covered in crocus.
Flowers are everywhere! 

 Apple trees begin to bloom
 And early Rhododendrons show up!

 A different view of Mt. Baker
 And springtime dishes and table decorations.
 While Red Tail Hawks keep watch
 And the last of the Pintail Ducks enjoy a bit of a swim among the grasses
 The Sisters show off their winter coat of snow.
 And a clever spider builds a confusing web, which is sparkling with morning dew.

 How was your 2018?