
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Alaska Ferry and Sunset

One of our favorite Friday night adventures is to go to the bay and watch the Alaska Ferry depart.  We take a car picnic to enjoy while waiting for the last vehicles to be loaded - the whistle to blow and the ferry to start its journey back to Southeast Alaska.  The sun was beginning to set and held promise of some pretty colors.
And we didn't have to wait long for the color to appear.
A sliver of moon was captured as we stopped at a traffic light - great capture.

One of the best days of the end of summer.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Beginning of Autumn Color

Leaves are just beginning to turn this year
 Evergreens are the dominant tree in our forests
 Some colorful cottonwoods and Maples among the tall tree remaining after selective logging some years ago and the newly replanted evergreens for sustainable logging.
  Hillsides are beginning to show some color, mostly maples right now.
Another view of Mt. Baker with evergreen trees and a yellowing Maple.
Autumn is a season followed immediately by looking forward to spring  . . . Doug Larson

Saturday, October 27, 2018


The Sisters and the tip top of Mt. Baker on a fine Autumn day.

North Sister. Until recently we haven't seen The Sisters with almost no snow at all, nearly all the small glaciers have completely melted, leaving bare rock in the summer.
 Except for one tiny patch in the shadow of a tiny peak
 Mt. Baker rises beside and behind The Sisters - with fresh snow.  Mt. Baker is 10,781 feet, the Sisters only reach about 6,900 feet at their tallest point, so their snow comes later in the season.
Mt. Baker from another viewpoint.  The main round dome is Grant Peak,  the tallest peak to the right is Lincoln Peak and the one in the center is Colfax Peak.  Do you see the face in the mountain?

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Do You See Them?

Mushrooms abound in the cool Autumn weather

 Look closely - you may see the fairies dancing

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Country Ride - Country Horses

Autumn is here - the last of the green is fleeting.
A ride in the country refreshes the soul.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

First Shore Birds

Two Killdeer in a puddle in the parking lot.  We saw one on a log on the beach but it skittered off too quickly for a photo.
It's been a rough summer, after a 5 day stay in the hospital recently, things are looking up.  After recuperating some, we took a drive to Birch Bay State Park on a sunny afternoon, and found the first shore birds we've seen this Autumn.

We're looking forward to a lot more shorebirds this Autumn and winter.  They are such fun to watch as they race around the beach (and the parking lot). How is your Autumn?