
Monday, October 30, 2017

Favorite Photos

A leisurely evening at sunset - these are some of my all time favorite photos.

 Marine Park - Bellingham, Washington 

Nature Notes

Sunday, October 29, 2017


 White barns are always so attractive

 A pale green cow barn
 An old barn that has received an update, it is in town now - surrounded by houses
 Small hay barns 

 An old barn shed, in town, on a nicely mowed lawn
Behind a hill, surrounded by trees

Friday, October 27, 2017

Saturday's Critters

Critters this week
 There are a lot of deer in our neighborhood - these were down the street from our house - enjoying the fresh green grass after all the rain we've had lately

 And the over-wintering ducks are migrating in.  These were in a slough in Birch Bay State Park

 American Widgeon and Mallard
 Hooded Mergansers - notice how the white on the side of his head makes a square reflection in the water.

 Female and male Widgeon and female Mallard
 Above the ducks, in a dead tree, was a Great Blue Heron
 The way the twigs are sitting it looks like the heron is using a crutch
 Hey - what are all you ducks doing down there?  You'd better be glad I'm not a Bald Eagle

 Out on the shore of Drayton Harbor we saw this Great Blue Heron - looking for lunch
Flying off with his companion - a male Widgeon.  I didn 't notice the duck until I got the photos off the camera.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Halloween Party - Wee Ones Wednesday

The ghosts and goblins are stirring - the elves and sprites are all about - and it is time for a Halloween party.  Have you got your costumes?  And your treats?  Good - then let the party begin.
 We love to pose for photos at our party - come along - for those of you who are new this year, we'll introduce ourselves.
 I'm Poppy Sunshine, I love clothes that are a bit different and I also like my friends the birds and animals.  I will bring apples for the deer when they stop by. My favorite book is Brambly Hedge Summer Story.  The little mice are so sweet and friendly.

I love to bake and make treats for many of our parties.
And sometimes Donnie plays the piano for us - a gift from Auntie Jamie (she doesn't have a blog), all the way from West Virginia.

 We are Donnie and Abigail Clarissa 
Wellington-Jones - my friends call me Abby -
And my friends call me Donnie!!!
I love to dash about on my scooter - and ride my pony, sometimes in my jammies, Auntie Diane made my jammies as a surprise.  I share the pony with my sisters - they like to ride too.  We got our pony from Auntie Jamie for christmas one year.

My sisters love our pony too.
 I am Candace Diane - but just call me Candy Dee.  I'm the very newest sister and my favorite things are climbing trees and running fast in the woods.  Sometimes I hear an owl talking to me.

 You already know me, I'm Donnie Doll.  I have lots of sisters, but I'm waiting and waiting for a brother.  Maybe I'll get one for christmas.  Then we could think up more adventures.
He could play baseball with me - I love baseball.
And my sisters love baseball too - we wait all winter for spring training. Our mom, JoAnn, made all of our baseball uniforms, even our hats.  And she sewed all of our clothes except for my jammies from Auntie Diane.

 Happy Halloween - I'm Kyla - Auntie Candy sent me to live with my sisters all the way from Ohio.  She fixed my hair and dressed me up  for the trip.
 I like flowers and whistling - can you hear how well I can whistle?
 And I adore flowers - any season, any kind.  I even like flowers on my dresses.

And my favorite book is The Secret Garden, especially the one that has paintings by Tasha Tudor.
 We are the three happy witches - Candy Corn Witches. We love to walk in the leaves on a bright Autumn afternoon.

 This is a fun party - I'm glad you came.  I am Sally Jo.  I like having tea parties with my sister Abby.

 And cooking Thanksgiving dinner in my favorite Autumn outfit.
 And in the summer I love to relax in the sunshine and think about wonderful things.

 We love Halloween outfits, with matching bags.  We found some pumpkins just our size.  Kyla picked them from her garden.
 I am Samantha Parkington, but my friends just call me Sammie.  My favorite pastime is sailing on my little sailboat, or walking along the beach.
I came to the family as a gift from my Auntie Lori, who doesn't have a blog either.  She lives on a mountain.
I like to play with my sister Sally Jo with our beach ball in the summer.
 We're ready for Trick or Treat.  Candy Dee has our basket for gathering goodies from the neighbors.  Do you have your treats ready?  We'll be stopping by soon - for a treat - or a trick - hee hee hee.

 And now it is full of candy - we'll all share when we get home.

 Ohh Donnie and Candy Dee are back - let's see what they've got
 Wow - lots and lots of candy - enough for everyone - what is your favorite?

 Donnie is getting ready to carve his punkin.
 I prefer my pumpkins to be uncarved - they are perfect straight from the garden.

 Two years ago there were just four of us - and Donnie had just joined our family.  And now there are Kyla, and Sammie and Candy Dee.  One big happy family, having fun on Halloween.

If it is cold for trick or treat we can put on our pumpkin hats

Stop over and see what Auntie Diane has for Halloween.  You'll surely have fun over there too.

And don't forget to visit Auntie Candy - she has a halloween fairy garden too.
Happy Halloween everybody!!
Tuesday's Treasures
Halloween Blog Hop