
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday Wee Ones - A Surprise

We are taking a little break from Clara and her new wardrobe this week - to show a wonderful surprise that I received.

A lovely package came in the mail this week - from my friend Candy, who also collects dolls and sews beautiful clothes for them.  Be sure and visit her to see all her new dolls and their wonderful outfits.

She said she had a few small things to send me - oh my - what a great collection of small things.

 Stacks and stacks of fabrics - stripes, dots and checks
 Plaids and fancy prints
 Lots of pretty flowered fabrics - the pink with blue flowers is corduroy
 Fancy flowers
 And lace fabric and lengths of pretty lace edging

And then
 Five new patterns - so many new outfits to sew for my dolls - they are excited to see all the choices
 A wardrobe of old fashioned outfits
 Fun vintage patterns
 Pretty, pretty dresses
 And lots of outfits

And the  biggest surprise of all
A new doll - to join the others I have.  Her name is Kyla and she has lovely curly brown hair.  She can't wait to join the others in all their fun.

Isn't that a fun package?  And what a wonderful friend - thank you so much Candy.

And now a new project of clothes for the dolls.  I think the red plaid will made great shirts, perfect for a day at the stables with pony.
And I am going to pick different fabrics and trims to make dresses for all the dolls - using the pattern second from the right, top row.  It will be fun to see how different the dresses look in different fabrics and trims. They'll all be ready for summer in their new dresses.

Thank you Candy - we all had such fun opening the package and making plans - and Kyla is happy to be among her new friends.

And visit Diane to see her new doll.

Monday, June 27, 2016


The skies over NW Washington are often filled with interesting cloud formations.  Being right on the coast we get a lot of different wind currents

I see a roadrunner bearing down on us.

These clouds are over our house

Do you see the face?

Mosaic Monday 
Through My Lens

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016


A friend, Jean Thompson, took a drive up Chuckanut Drive and on to Bow Hill Road - and spotted hillsides of Foxgloves.  We just had to get down there and see them - so a couple weeks ago we headed down that way - only about 10 miles from our house.
Click the photos for a much larger view!!
 On a logged over hillside there are foxgloves running rampant

 Up and down the hillsides

Foxgloves get their name from the tale that at night the "Wee Folks" would come out to dance in the moonlight, dressed in their finest and wearing the blossoms of the flowers as their gloves.  "We Folks' Glove" became Foxgloves.
 There was a side road close by so we drove down that and the foxgloves continued on the other side of the hill.

 We've never seen so many foxgloves - thanks for telling us about them Jean.

 We were on a side road - mostly gravel - so we could stop and enjoy the foxgloves for as long as we wanted.

 Not sure just why that sign is there - but interesting.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday Wee Ones

 My friend Julee has a great-niece that lives in Denmark - she will be having a birthday in Septemer.  I had the fun of making a wardrobe for Clara (the doll in the red/white/blue outfit below).  Everyone wanted to share in showing off the new wardrobe before Clara heads off to Denmark.
A summery sunsuit for Clara and  Poppy is wearing a jungle print sundress with a matching bag. Where are your shoes Poppy?
Donnie joins in the fun!  Sally Jo is wearing the RWB sunsuit and Abby has the jungle print sundress with a white t-shirt. 
 Red white and blue stripes and stars - great for summer fun at the park or the beach
 Everyone changed clothes except Donnie - he does need some new outfits for sure - maybe some shorts and shirts that match

 Everyone loves aprons, hats and bags - for the beach, shopping or cooking up some summer treats.
Now let us go and visit our sweet Diane and her sweet dolls.