
Thursday, April 30, 2015

April Scavenger Hunt

April Scavenger Hunt

Upside Down
Mallards - looking for something good to eat


At my friend's house - a quilt she made

Something Sweet
A tray of cookies is always a sweet treat

The rhubarb is showing growth already

Glass Balls - floats from fishing nets 
Quilts in my bedroom - on the treadle sewing machine and a quilt rack

Rain on tulips

Egg cups

I think the rooster is selling fresh eggs



Whatever You Want
I think this horse was once a unicorn

April Scavenger Hunt  

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


On a sunny afternoon we took a ride down Chuckanut Drive - to Larrabee State Park.  It is on the bluffs overlooking the ocean - and with many scenic areas.  We picked the boat launch - on the recommendation of Margy at Margy Meanders.

 The boat launch also has a nice beach, a fishing area and gorgeous views

 Near the park are homes - and this homeowner put a seating area out on the point
 Terrific spot to sit and enjoy the sights and sounds of the ocean
 On the opposite side is another seating area in front of another home - this one with a protective fence.

 Down on the sandy beach a lone Canada Goose was finding lunch.

 The waves lapped gently on the shore

It was a wonderful afternoon - next time we will take a picnic lunch.

note:  the correct name of the goose IS Canada Goose.  I received a snarky comment on another post, belittling my intelligence and that of my commenters for using the term Canada Goose. They insisted that we use the term Canadian Goose (which, if used would denote that the goose was a resident of Canada).  It was not one of my regular followers, the regulars are always kind and sweet in their comments so I simply deleted the snarky comment, rather than waste time on correcting someone who is simply looking for something to complain about.

I'd like to thank all my regular followers for their good manners!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Springtime Tea

This is a repeat of a previous post - but I thought it was perfect for this time of the year.  Enjoy!

Pansies and violets - two of my favorite flowers - and when they are on a tea cup - or a tea pot, they are so wonderful.

This tiny violet tea cup has some friends
Some with violets
Some with pansies

They all get along quite nicely.

Perfect for springtime tea, and some Earl Grey tea.  What is your favorite tea?

Monday, April 27, 2015

New Birds at Birch Bay

The weather forecast keeps calling for rain - and we keep getting sunshine - so off to Birch Bay we went.
The first bird we saw was not only new to me - but fairly rare on the West Coast.  It is generally from the U.K. but has been seen on the east coast of Canada and the U.S. and fairly recently on the west coast of the U.S.  There was just this one - and it ran about, searching for food.  
 Black Headed Gull - either a juvenile or the head feathers are just taking on their mating season darkness - as is the beak.
 Then dashing about on the beach and in the shallow tide pools was a Lesser Yellow Legs - a shorebird  - and there were several of these flitting about.

 Ahhh,  a good stretch feels so great.
 Dabbling about in the shallows was a small flock of Widgeons
 The tide was running fast 

 And you didn't suppose that you'd get through a post about birds from me without a heron, now did you?
 This Great Blue Heron was up in a tree - about 30 feet above the ground.  It must have been finished fishing for the afternoon as it was taking time for grooming
 The wind was brisk and the tree branch swayed a lot.

 And then there was a heron in the waves of the shallows in Birch Bay
 Grooming time again
It was a very good day for birds