
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December Scavenger Hunt

December Scavenger Hunt

Where you stood

On the edge of a pond

Down low
Looking for a tasty morsel

A view from here
Great View for fishing
It is like being in a snow globe when the Snow Geese take off - thousands of them circling above
A favorite thing
Our grandson's holiday concert - Ben is second row - second from the right

Front door
This cute fella hangs on our front door every Christmas - I found him in a store in West Virginia, the year our son and daughter-in-law got married
Pies and cookies

Wreaths that hang on the outside of the windows
Don bought this for me one year when I was recovering from surgery - it sat in the living room with me that year so I could see it.  Now it goes outdoors to share holiday cheer with the neighbors
Our son made this Santa jar in second grade - each year we fill it with Chex Party Mix
Black and white
Whatever you want
Long Billed Dowitcher

December Scavenger Hunt

Black and White Wednesday
(the moon and Snow Geese Flying are my selections for Black and White Wednesday)

A Doll Party

Another adventure with  Poppy Sunshine and her best friend Abigail Clarissa Wellington-Jones 
 Fashionable winter clothes - this is just the weather for it - cold and blustery outdoors.

 We had a nice walk - now for a little quiet time.
Miss Abigail, I've baked some cookies, would you like to come to a tea party?
 Oh I do love cookies - but first let me change into a tea party outfit.
 Do you like this with the hat?

 Or without?
I do adore your hat Miss Abigail - might I try it on?
 I have a new baking outfit too - the ruffly apron keeps me nice and clean
 Please come in Miss Abigail
 Thank you Poppy Sunshine, the cookies look delicious, and your baking mitts are ever so cute.
 Let me pour us some tea to go with our cookies

 The lovely pink tablecloth was a gift from a dear friend,  Candy, who lives in Ohio.  She has very pretty table settings, we should visit her often.

Thank you Poppy, I had the best time.

Diane at Lavender Dreams has several other links to visit and see wonderful dolls - plus her darling jammies and night gown that she has sewn for her new dolls.  Join us for some Doll Talk.

The dolls are Madam Alexander and are available from Amazon - the cookies were actually made by my Grandson Ben.

Thursday Favorite Things  
Fabulous Friday  

Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Merry Christmas Barn

A very typical shape for barns in this area.  Every christmas they hang a huge wreath on the front of the barn. I'd like to see how they get it up there.

A Quick Trip Through The Year

I'm gathering up my favorite pictures through the year - this is the first sampling - by season 
Winter - though snow is rare here - when we get it, it is magical

Which Way Is Up?

At a seasonal pond this week - no breeze - completely still water and 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Quick Outing

Just a few minutes out of the house on this blustery day - a stop at the bay
 Rough seas in the bay and the Barrow's Golden Eye Ducks were riding the waves

 One just beginning a dive for fishing

 A stop at Lake Whatcom - some Cormorants resting on the old pilings of the long gone lumber mill
 Even the lake was rough - winds were high and rain splattered down now and then
And a "cover" of American Coots.  They are not actually ducks - do not have webbed feet, but can still swim.  They build their nests on the water on a floating raft with a ramp for getting in and out of  the nest.  They are plentiful here all winter on Lake Whatcom
 On the lawn at the lake there were Canada Geese, enjoying something to nibble on
 Off to the water we go
 Someone has decorated the new trees that the city planted along the ponds near our house
 I guess they used what they had on hand - red "danger" tape 
You can see the reflection of our car in one of the ornaments they hung on the tree.

A fun little outing and then home for some soup on this blustery day.

Have you had a wintery outing (or summery outing in the southern hemisphere) this christmas week?