
Saturday, August 31, 2013

August Scavenger Hunt

Time to Hunt and Scavenge - let's go!!


Two wonderful brown horses


Ten or so sunflowers


An old barn with many windows


Jahn and Ben at the NW Washington Fair



The lake is framed by trees


Well, you COULD eat this with chopsticks


We had a VW Bug like this - long long ago

This one has a pretty sun shade, I'd love to have this to transport me around town

Or this cute MG, how about you?  Want a ride?


These seagulls are having a grand time

I'm not sure what this loon is playing - but it looks like he's about to kick a soccer ball - ready, set,  KICK!


This horse looks like something out of a fantasy.  It as a very hot day and he was pacing up and down.

Our grandson Ben went to Adventure Quest Camp this summer - they made up scenarios and acted them out - earning points along the way for their conquests.  The leader was a charming young man who came dressed in a different costume every day.


Sharp beak on this heron, standing on a rock in the bay


Mt. Baker and Snow Geese, I think it makes a fine postcard!  Wouldn't you like to send one home when visiting Washington?

Random 5 Friday

Friday has come and gone - but I'm sure I'm still random.

1.  This weekend is carpet cleaning weekend.  It is funny how two people, who take off their shoes at the door and don't have pets, can produce such dirty water when cleaning the carpet - but now it is clean and oh so nice smelling.


2. Sunshine sunshine sunshine - oh how I love sunshine.  After the last bit of carpet is cleaned we are headed out to enjoy the sunshine.

Ben eating cake when he was 3.

3.  Birthday parties - Tomorrow we are all going to the lake a few blocks from our house for a party for our Grandson Jahn-Zyel, who will be 12.  He's a wondrously sweet boy.  And the party will be for Don too - who will be - well,  a bit older than Jahn.   He's a wondrously sweet man.

4. Grandson Ben planned the party - I was recording secretary.  We even sent out e-vites with moving whirly-gigs.

Jahn-Zyel helping me bake a pie when he was 6 (that was the entire counter space in the house we lived in then)

5.  There will be burgers and hot dogs, potato chips, salads and all sorts of wonderful picnic things to eat. And birthday cake and birthday pie - and ice cream.  And then some swimming and maybe a canoe ride.

Happy summer birthdays!!!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Garden Party Girl

I've wanted to get photos of this lovely lady for some time - problem has been - it is down a long driveway and I'm always hesitant to drive down someone's driveway and snap photos.  But I got brave - there seemed to be no one around (that makes me a lot braver) so we eased on down the driveway - it is gravel and quite dusty - and I snapped away before we made our escape. 

She's not very scary - for a scarecrow - but she is very lovely

Her lovely clothes - a shawl for protection from the wind, and a hat to shade her pretty face

She's the sweetest scarecrow I've ever seen

Charming gloves, and a basket for picking flowers, or some corn

She stands guard all day

And at night she sleeps in her flower bed

Next door, a helpful friend? Her beau?

He tends part of his garden in a wheelbarrow, the easier to push it over and show Miss Fancy Scarecrow - maybe this will impress her

Maybe some lovely raspberries for a gift?

Or pretty sunflowers for her windowsill.

Apples for a pie - don't think she has an oven, besides, she is quite flammable so better to stay away from stoves.

Teddy bear sunflowers - everyone loves a teddy bear.

Very tall sunflowers, how to pick them?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Spectacular Heron Day

We went for a drive today - stopped and saw some friends - then on a hunch, stopped at a Fifty-Five and Older Park and there was a heron in  their pond.  Great luck.

This is the first time I've seen a heron in water this deep - usually they have a lot more of their legs showing.



Found it!

Diving for a fish - the beak is pointing upwards as he comes out of the water

Coming back out of the water

All the way out - no fish this time

Dive again

Back out of the water again.

Nothing here - I'll try a little farther down the bank


I think I'm done fishing for now


Ok - one more dive

Hello Duckie!