
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Eagle in a Tree

What a week - lots of rain and wind - and wind - and wind.  This eagle seems to have had all it could handle just staying atop this tree.  She was perched on the very top of a tree, right above a house.  We pulled into the driveway and were right under the eagle - so I was able to sit in the car and get all these shots- and many more.  If I had to stand in the wind and rain there would have been a lot fewer shots.

And this concludes our eagle ballet for the day!  Thank you for coming.

Sharing with Weekly Top Shot

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Signs, Signs - Riding Along

Again - on Lummi Island - I find the most interesting signs.  People must have more time for thinking up clever signs,  or perhaps there is a little friendly competition going on.

This is interesting all by itself - a bicycle made into a mailbox holder and house number.  .  . and notice the basket on the bicycle - full of golf balls.

But all the more interesting when you put it together with the family's name, just a few feet away.

Rurality - Horses

Nothing says rural better than horses.  These wonderful horses are always happy to see someone and will come right up to the fence.  They will stay there as long as you do - so  getting good photos of them is easy.

 There was a heavy fog that day - giving a soft background.  .  .

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tones on Tuesday

The idea is to  show an altered photo - anything you choose and any altering.

In Birch Bay, WA there are driftwood sculptures that line the beach - some elaborate - some simple.  Winter is the best time to get photos of them, as the blackberries and grasses grow so tall they sculptures can't be seen as well in the summer.

This piece of wood looks like a whale to me - see the eye?

In B&W the shapes seem to stand out even more.  .  .

Close up of the cup lichens on the front of the piece of wood.  .  .

Don't you think that B&W really sets off the details?

Weekly Thrift - Milk Glass

Wherever I go I am on the lookout for Milk Glass - not sure why I keep looking, seems I might almost have one of just about everything ever made - and I've gotten all of it from thrift stores or yard sales - and lots for gifts.

Tiny little pitcher.  .  .

All sorts of lovely little boxes and vases and dishes.  .  .

 A special gift from Don one birthday.  .  .

Ruffles.  .  . 

 Ruffles.  .  . I picked this one up in West Virginia - if it wasn't for having to pay more for luggage I would have really loaded up on Milk Glass while in West Virginia - the prices were often one fifth of what we'd pay on the West Coast.

Pink Willow is another of my favorites - though I have very little of it right now - I'm still looking.  .  .

The designs delight me.  .  .

A gift for my birthday one year, this one has a lovely clear edge on the ruffle.  .  .

A charming square vanity box.  .  .  I love them all

The milk glass gets moved about - sometimes it is on the sideboard - in most of the photos above - and sometimes in the china cabinet.  I got this china cabinet from a friend - though it was not in this condition when I got it.

It looked like this.  My friend was renting out her aunt's house and I asked if I could buy the cabinet, but she said she would leave it for the renters.  Then the renters put wet laundry to dry on the floor intake grate to the furnace and burned the house down - THEN my friend gave me the cabinet.  I loved it so much, and her aunt too, that I was willing to sand and scrape and clean and replace glass and sand and paint - until it was pretty and white.

I like the way it sets off the Milk Glass.  .  .

Sometimes there is a spring bouquet sharing the space.  .  .

Stack and stacks and stacks of Milk Glass.

Do you have a collecting obsession too?

Vintage Thingie Thursday  

Sir Thrift A Lot 

Nifty Thrifty 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Catching the Light

The light in the Pacific Northwest is every changing - giving us new views sometimes instantly.

Early morning light.  .  .

Light on Chuckanut Bay.  .  . 

A strange light in the clouds - it looks like a windshield wiper ran across the clouds - this lasted for only a few seconds.

Beams of light.  .  .

Darkening light.  .  .

Puffy and light.  .  .

Evening light.  .  .

Light rain .  .  .  or perhaps not so light.  .  .

Swirls of  light.  .  .

Little spots of light.  .  .

Low light.  .  .

Light and shadow over Skagit Valley.  .  .

Light on high. .  .

Do you love to look at the clouds - ever changing clouds?