
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Weekly Top Shot - a sweet deer

This is my first attempt at a post since my back surgery just over a month ago.  I obviously didn't take this photo this week - but it is one of my favorites from this spring.  This little deer was in our park as we were driving in - and didn't seem the least bit bothered by cars stopping to take pictures.

Friday, December 14, 2012

No Pictures Today

No pictures today - no fun adventures - no exciting new bird views - I've been brought down by a bird photo.  Well, not brought down - but sidelined for sure.

First, thanks to all that have emailed, texted and called, wondering where I have been. It makes me feel good to know you care - and thank you to those that continue to check my blog for a new post.

But there won't be a new post for a while yet - and not very often even then.  I had back surgery on Nov. 27 after a painful trip to the ER in the ambulance (those things are not built for comfort, let me tell you). The surgery was successful and now the long, slow recovery.  I have my laptop on a wooden tv tray, tilted towards my lap, as I type this note. Not the most comfortable way to type - but it is working for a bit anyway.  And I can't sit in one position very long anyway/

Physical therapy, visits to the acupunturists, doctor visits, hospital bed and nice walker - and helpful family and friends - those are my companions for now - later I'll be back to share photos when I can get out and take more.

Have a very wonderful holiday - and thanks for checking in with me.