
Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ok - just one more meme.  This one is from Jenny - and it is such fun, and quite a challenge to come up with "S" things.  I think it is a good way to delve into our creative minds.  I came across this meme on A Garden of Daisies - both are great blogs to visit.

S is for Sunny days and a Sunny yellow kayak on the lake . . .

S is for Sleigh ride - this is the center of an amazing quilt made by my friend Diane. . .

S is for Sweet Little Boys -  building with legos and a Sunday Afternoon . . .

Notice that Jahn-Zyel is wearing his grampy's watch . . .

S is for Security - protection when getting x-rays of your teeth . . .

S is for Seagulls - in all their beauty.  I do love to photograph them and try to capture them with their wings out . . .this was taken at the Alaska Ferry terminal in Bellingham - and we had to wash our car the next day . . .

 S is for Silly Sewing Frogs - that Buddy E., he loves to get into things whenever possible.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday

I love to take photos of seagulls - their feathers are gorgeous - and they are good actors - posing for you whenever you need a good photo.

These seagulls were sitting on a fence at the lighthouse in Newport OR, when we were visiting my cousins there. They call this Bachelor Row - they seem to be waiting for the dance to start.

I love this shot - the feathers are so beautiful . . .

Coming in for a landing . . .

Flying high . . .

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Seattle - part two

Here are the rest of the photos of Seattle, continued from the previous post . . . this time with the smaller and older buildings . . .

This was one of my favorites - such detail . . .

An apartment house in the middle of businesses . . .

Oh look - someone has made a little garden on top of the apartment building . . . it seems to be walled in with plastic panels - perhaps to keep the wind off the garden . . .

Did you ever wonder what the top of a gas station canopy looks like?  Well, wonder no more . . .

A house, painted a soft green - in the midst of the big tall buildings . . . wonder who lives here . . .

Someone left the dormer window open - it is going to rain - they better run upstairs and close the window . . .

 A church?  A seminary?  Church headquarters?

Another home - dwarfed by all the skyscrapers . . .

And yet another.  At one time this must have been a family neighborhood . . .

A sad house - all boarded up and the windows are covered with plywood - do you think this house sits quietly and remembers the fun times and the families that lived here?

Another church - built of stone, with a very mossy steeple . . .

This wonderful building reminds me of an old high school - do you think it could be?

So many wonderful windows . . .

 And so we come to the end of our tour of one little part of Seattle - it is so interesting and I'm sure these buildings hold many memories.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Seattle - part 1

While Don was at UW Harborview for his eye surgery follow-up appointment I wandered around on the 7th floor - through all the waiting rooms, which encircle the whole floor.  With windows to the ceiling I had fabulous views of Seattle.  Only thing better would have been a sunny day.

I'll start with all the tall or modern buildings.

This is the building I've been wanting to get a picture of since we starting going to UW Harborview back in December 2009.  That ball on the top of the building is lit with a green light.  In the winter we would see the light still on when we arrived for Don's appointments, but in May it was much lighter out and the ball wasn't lit.  I'll be back to get a photo with the ball lit sometime.

And there were tugs and barges in the bay in front of the building - they look so tiny from way up here . . .

Lots of buildings made of glass - it must be something to watch it rain from these windows . . .

And who washes all the windows?

Tall buildings and short buildings.  I have no idea what these buildings are for - if you know - please let us know . . .

One little round building - peeking up over the edge of the tall buildings . . .

Lots of parking . . .

Looking down from the waiting room windows I spied these pipes on the roof of another floor of the building - they look like rockets - but I'm fairly certain they are not rockets . . .

A plane flew over and I nearly tipped over backwards trying to get a picture through the window . . .Good thing the windows were very tall . . .

And what do you suppose this interesting round building is for?

Interesting towers . . .

And a great pyramid . . .

Soon I'll have more photos of Seattle - there was so much to see up there on the 7th floor.

Don's eye check up was great - he is progressing as expected and we don't have to go back for 4 months this time - insted of every two months.  Maybe in September I can get a picture of the ball lit up.