
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Herons

On Friday Don got off work early again - he works a lot of longer days early in the week so we can have Friday afternoon together.  The sun was shining and the temperatures were fairly warm.  So we decided on a ride out on the Lummi Peninsula - one of our favorite rides.

The peninsula sits across the bay from Bellingham and the views are always spectacular.

Along the bay we spotted a heron, standing on a rock.  He was not as close as I would have liked - but with my new camera I got some excellent shots.  Then a little farther down the bay there was another heron on the beach - they are such amazing birds - and these two really posed for me. Thank you herons.

Friday, April 16, 2010

My new camera

I've had a Kodak East Share camera for a couple years.  Before that I had another Kodak - and thought the Easy Share would be a good replacement.  The first camera last over 10 years - the Easy Share - not so long.  It would shut down at odd times - just close up and say that the AA batteries needed recharged.  They didn't - and after turning it on and off a zillion times it would finally recognize the batteries and let me take photos - in the mean time, I lost a lot of chances at good shots.  I got so frustrated that I finally started looking around for another camera.  Diane and Fergie - two quilting buddies - both have the Canon Power Shot SD1200 IS - and recommended it.  I read reviews and then ordered the camera.

And I LOVE it.  It takes amazing photos - has a LI-ion battery, instead of AA batteries - and I've had it for two weeks and haven't needed to recharge the battery - and I take a LOT of pictures.  Plus Ben has taken dozens of pictures with it - and looked at the pictures over and over on the camera - and still the battery doesn't need re-charged - did I mention I LOVE this camera, 

and it is hot pink too - which is even better!!!!

I like the auto focus for up close, really up close, close photos!!  It adjusts itself, then focuses again  and takes the best shots.  I had fun the first day finding things to take super close ups of.  So here they are.

Froget-me-nots in the porch garden . . .

Flowering tree by the lake . . .

Close up of the flowers . . .

White Bleeding heart - this pot hangs on the front porch railing - safe from deer . . .

Look at that raindrop - didn't I tell you the close up was amazing ?

Close up of raindrops on Bleeding Heart leaf . . .

And rain drops on a Columbine plant . . .

The center of a tulip . . .

More tulips at the fairgrounds . . . it's tulip season . . .

Close up of one of the trees in our little grove in the back yard . . .

Raindrops on rose leaves - I love the outline of red on these leaves - hopefully soon we'll have flowers . . .

A close up of our door knocker - the grandsons love it . . .

And just a few more raindrops on leaves . . .

Thanks for stopping by - and you'll be seeing more photos from my new camera soon - I'm sure of that.  Thanks Diane and Fergie for the great recommendation.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tulip Festival

We've been to see the tulips.  There is a big Tulip Festival in Skagit County - just south of here - and we love to go and see the tulips.  This year was even more spectacular than most years - the right amount of sunshine - pleasant temperatures and zillions of flowers at the peak of perfection.

 All colors of tulips - the yellow were Don's favorite. . .
 I love to look down the long, long rows . . .

Light purple tulips . . .

 Pink Tulips . . .

Glorious fields of color . . .

Long, long rows . . .

Darker purple tulips . . .

Purple and red tulips . . .

I loved the red tulips . . .

Beside each field of tulips there was a little shed selling tulips - I bought two bunches of yellow ones . . .

I just can't get enough of the glorious tulips . . .

Tulips planted by the stores downtown - the traffic was so slow I had time to take pictures as we inched along . . .

And that's our trip to see the tulips - I hope you enjoyed the trip.