
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mosaic Monday

On Friday Don got off work early, the sun was shining and the temperatures were almost balmy for this time of year. We had planned to drive down on Saturday to Skagit County, about 45 minutes south of Bellingham, to see the daffodils that grow there by the zillions. We had heard that they were at peak bloom and didn't want to miss them. With such nice weather and extra time, and knowing how fickle our weather can be, we decided to take the drive on Friday afternoon.

(click photo to enlarge)

And we made the right choice. The traffic, once we left town, was less than on a weekend and the sun was glorious on the daffodils. The scent is heavenly as you drive between fields full of blooms. There were even daffodils planted at the intersections of the busy highway.

By Saturday the clouds had come in early and the weather was tending towards rain - so we were glad that we went when we did. The tulips were just beginning to show color - not enough for pictures even, but we will go back another week to see the tulips.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mosaic Monday

I've been featuring my quilts on my other blog - and thought it would be fun to make a mosiac of some of them.

And more quilts . . .

And some blocks I've made. . .

Shadow Shot Sunday

Our grandson Ben, looking at his shadow. . .

A seagull dancing with her shadow . . .

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monday Mosaic - Seagulls

We often go down to the bay to watch the Alaska Ferry depart from Bellingham - and this week I had a big bag of bread to feed the seagulls - so I could get some good photos. Most of these were taken with a flash and I love the way they turned out. Needless to say - our car had to go through the car wash the next day - it was red with white spots.

(click photo to enlarge)

I love the sound of their wings as they flash through the air - I love the squawking - and I love the feathers and how they seem to glow in any light. I just love seagulls.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Finding Beauty

Today is about finding beauty - and I've really found some . . .

There is a yard on the other side of town that I love to drive past each spring. The whole front yard lawn is covered in flowers - and we happened to be in that neighborhood the other day and were lucky enough to have sunshine so I could get some great photos.

A fairy ring of crocuses . . .

Click photo to see more beauty. . .

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday

Outdoor Wednesday is one of my favorites - and is hosted by A Southern Daydreamer. There are so many wonderful outdoor things to see - stop over and visit a while.

We live smack in the middle of a large city - yet we have a very private setting. Woods across the street, trees in our back yard, only one neighbor visible and that is to the back of the house. We have a lot of wildlife here, especially deer. Since there is no hunting in town they are quite brave.

These deer are not all from our yard - but they are all fabulous!

This fella walked up the hill from the neighbor's house - and was actually this close to me - I didn't use the zoom to get this picture.

These deer are in my cousin's yard in CA - they lived way out in the woods . . .

This is a big statue of a deer in Wisconsin that we took our oldest daughter to see. . .

On the edge of our yard, near the road . . .

We found this one in our yard when we came home one day . . . she didn't seem to mind us one bit and never moved when we walked up to the house and very near to her.

These "deer" are in front of a motel on Whidbey Island in Washington - we love to drive past here. They are not restless and never seem to move from year to year.

He is planning on cleaning the birdseed out of the feeders.

Where do you see your favorite deer?